Dear Big Questions: Is Library Paste Vegan? Asking for a friend… Dear Friend, it beats the heck out of me. So I did some research. The short answer is that library paste should be vegan, but it may not be. Library paste is essentially water and starch with a little anti-insect ingredient (like clove or… Continue reading Big Question #438: Is Library Paste Vegan?
Two months without twitter
I left twitter and deleted the app on January 10 after more than 12 years of using it multiple times a day. I cannot imagine buying a ream of paper that allows me to print only information that the manufacturer has pre-approved, so I found I could not imagine being a part of a platform… Continue reading Two months without twitter
Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus
You’d think that this would go without saying. Oh, sorry, your classical Latin is a little rusty? It says, “Never tickle a sleeping dragon.” This is most recently seen as the motto of Hogwarts. Chaucer may have put it in print first when he said, “It is nought good a slepyng hound to wake.” The… Continue reading Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus tracking is cool!
I run a Raspberry Pi 3B to track airplanes that fly over our house. It then uploads the data to It is a really neat set up, all for under $100. If you are an airplane geek, and like this stuff, check it out. The image is the polar plot of the 800 or… Continue reading tracking is cool!
No room at the Hilbert Grand Hotel
David Hilbert posed a thought experiment in which you have a fully-occupied hotel with an infinite number of rooms, but you may still accomodate an additional guest. Actually, you may accomodate an infinite number of additional guests. (Here is the explanation, if you are interested.) This seems to me to be strikingly similar to the… Continue reading No room at the Hilbert Grand Hotel
Let’s try this again…
I re-started my personal blog a while ago, but I haven’t been happy with the technology behind it. You can still find those posts here (, but I am going to put all new posts where you are now. I hope you enjoy this and come back often.