Things that sound dirty, but are not. Part 2.

aka, long-tailed tit.

Mumruffin. I know you are probably saying to yourself, “Self,” you are saying to yourself, “I think a mumruffin is just a long-tailed tit.” But, of course, that doesn’t make “mumruffin” sound less dirty. If anything, it may make it worse since a Mumruffin is also known as a “bum towel.” So, around and around… Continue reading Things that sound dirty, but are not. Part 2.

Real Name Generator

My latest iPhone app “Real Name Generator” just went live here. When you need a pseudonym for a coffee order or to put your name in a queue, use this. You could be “Carey Oakey” or “Frank Furter.” Is it silly? Absolutely. Is it goofy. Yes. Is it just plain dumb fun? Well, yes, and… Continue reading Real Name Generator

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, wherever you are on Earth or in space.

Categorized as Holiday

Prepare three envelopes

I ran across this old chestnut today and it amused me: An incoming executive is replaced and the outgoing executive hands over three envelopes saying, “Open these one at a time when things get tough.” A couple months go by, and things get tough, so the new executive opens the first envelope. It says, “Blame… Continue reading Prepare three envelopes

Staying on Top of IT Trends

Staying on Top of IT Trends

File this one under “self promotion” as well. It is my latest eBook published on the TAGCXO web-site. Download it here. You know you want to…