Busted bracket blows big break

My NCAA bracket broke with Illinois’ loss. Now I am playing to come in somewhere between 36th and 68th out of 72 brackets. The best case has me in the last slot of the top half. So, mediocrity is all I have to hope for now. Wait until next year…

Two months without twitter

I left twitter and deleted the app on January 10 after more than 12 years of using it multiple times a day. I cannot imagine buying a ream of paper that allows me to print only information that the manufacturer has pre-approved, so I found I could not imagine being a part of a platform… Continue reading Two months without twitter

Let’s try this again…

I re-started my personal blog a while ago, but I haven’t been happy with the technology behind it. You can still find those posts here (https://paultcottey.com/Blog/my-blog.html), but I am going to put all new posts where you are now. I hope you enjoy this and come back often.