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Contestant: What is “When life gives you melons.”? Host: Correct! Contestant: I’ll take dyslexic punch lines for $800 please.

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I’d love to help you out. Which way did you come in?

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If I throw a stick, will you leave?

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Things that sound dirty, but are not: Part 5

French Lick. Indiana, that is. Probably most famous for being the home town of Larry Bird and second most famous for being west of Paoli (also in Indiana, I am told). French Lick sounds dirty, but really isn’t. Not like Blue Ball (Delaware) or Colon (Nebraska). And, if you are ever in Colon, don’t even… Continue reading Things that sound dirty, but are not: Part 5

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Contestant: “What is: ‘They both go zipping around Uranus looking for Klingons.’” Host: “How Charmin.” Contestant: “I’ll take ‘Star Trek jokes for 800’.”

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Things that sound dirty, but are not: Part 4.

(By special guest poster Cato T. Pultey.) Thanks, Paul. I appreciate the chance to appear in your blog. [Happy to have you. Ed.] I ran across this article while looking for a mojito recipe: “Here’s Why Bartenders Spank Your Mint” and thought, “Golly that sounds dirty.” [Do people really say, “Golly?” Ed.] So I read… Continue reading Things that sound dirty, but are not: Part 4.

Things that sound dirty, but are not. Part 2.

aka, long-tailed tit.

Mumruffin. I know you are probably saying to yourself, “Self,” you are saying to yourself, “I think a mumruffin is just a long-tailed tit.” But, of course, that doesn’t make “mumruffin” sound less dirty. If anything, it may make it worse since a Mumruffin is also known as a “bum towel.” So, around and around… Continue reading Things that sound dirty, but are not. Part 2.